Cost Of Living 1976

How Much things cost in 1976
Yearly Inflation Rate USA5.75% 
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 1004 
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 6.25% 
Average Cost of new house $43,400.00 
Average Income per year $16,000.00 
Average Monthly Rent $220.00 
Cost of a gallon of Gas 59 cents 
Plymouth Arrow$3,175.00 
Polaroid Camera Camera History $28.00 

 1976 Inflation continues to be a problem around the world. Concorde enters service and cuts transatlantic flying time to 3 1/2 hours. One year after Microsoft is formed Apple is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Nadia Comaneci scores the first ever perfect score in Gymnastics. In South Africa Riots in Soweto mark the beginning of the end of apartheid. In music the first of the Punk Bands appear The Damned release New Rose classified as Punk Rock Music